April 13, 2013


She was the New Generation girl. She was taught to dream big and accomplish bigger. She didn't believe that she ever faced any prejudice. Everything that came her way was an opportunity; Equal and unbiased. Not to mean that she was unaware of the reality of being her, but she had become immune to the fixed gazes and the indecent advances. She could easily look through the chauvinism masquerading as chivalry. She had learnt to think beyond her gender. Neither did it make her feel bound nor did she feel unduly rewarded.

She was an asset. The one that parents invest into. The one that goes to far off shores to pursue her dreams. The one that could raise a family all by herself. The one that heads big corporations. The one that could run shiver down anyone's spine by a mere look. The one that could disarm everyone by just a smile.
And most importantly, she could do all this better than her natural counterpart.

She was the face of the 21st century Indian woman.
Educated. Empowered. Emancipated. Elegant

He was humiliated like many of his clan. His birthright of being the more important cog in Nature's balance, had been painfully snatched away. His beliefs were shattered, and with all the machismo on display, he was terrified underneath. He felt orphaned. His perceptions had the backing of seeing his mother being insulted, chastised and dishonored and her accepting it all as fate. He was sure that the her black eye and swollen cheeks were a result of something consensual. He saw his father deriving pleasure in showcasing him as the trophy while his sisters were raised in oblivion. He was brought up in a way that him being born was obliging enough. But now, he was stunned. He was no longer the obvious winner. He had to compete, and more often than naught, he lost, to her. He was baffled at her eloquence, etiquette, and dignity.

She couldn't be equal. She represented everything that needed to be reformed in the society. She couldn't be in the same league. She couldn't surpass him. She was the aberration to the Culture, the Tradition, and most of all, the Equilibrium. He had to stop this shift. Somehow.

He thought he was the face of all the suffering for Indian men .
Disgruntled. Disturbed. Disgraced. Defeated.

And when he attacked her, he taught her a lesson. And when he punched her in the gut, his masculinity triumphed. And when he attempted to outrage her modesty, he settled scores for his sustained endurance. And when he laughed menacingly at her cries for help, his manhood exulted.

A force suddenly hit him between his eyes. All he could fathom was that it was probably a punch. Before he could even see his assailant, a kick to his abdomen, knocked the winds out of him. This was followed by a frantic barrage of blows to which he could neither respond, nor recover from.

His bravado laid there unconscious, probably dead, but definitely infertile.

He lived a routine life. Irrespective of his socioeconomic standing, it was his ordinary methodical life, that defined him. He usually went unnoticed which did frustrate him a little. Here, you have to be either famous or infamous or rich or extraordinary, just to be seen. Or being a woman in a voyeuristic country would do. He was none.
But even his mundane life style had educated him enough about the significance of his Natural mate. He discarded the notion of singularity; Instead he celebrated their differences. He was not from Mars. He firmly believed that both were created to be indispensable. The society did push him to the brink of objectifying her, but he successfully resisted the temptation, at least, most of the time. And when he couldn't, he had the sense of not letting it go overboard. He did what he deemed was rightful, made periodic errors in judgment and befittingly repented. However, this tussle of his, did not, for once, belittle her value. He didn't materialize her sexuality, rather, appreciated her sensuality. 

For him, they were complementary and frequently exchanged roles.
Passion and Calm. Adventure and Inertia. Emotion and Pragmatism. Audacity and Caution.

And when he defended her, he acknowledged her worth. And when he fought for her, he reiterated his beliefs.  And when he went berserk, he restored the balance. And when he left quietly, he reinstated the faith.

He was a common Indian man.
Faceless. Reluctant. Survivor. Soldier   


  1. Good one mathur.."he understands her value" may bring out the necessary change and contextual thought of gender equality..Keep going Dude :)

  2. Mathur Sahab ..Its like Bollywood ..One Nice and Free princess..One Evil man..and One Savior..Day is not far when bollywood producer will be lining up in front of Mathur's Door for buying rights for ur writings ..Keep it up Dost ..

    1. Ha ha! I will have your name in my movie credits ! :D

  3. OH! This is on another level. The facets of our society and the roots of our behavior. Profound writing Prateek.

    1. Thanks Saru. I wish things change fast. Enough already!

  4. Wow! gd one prateek, Wish every common man could be like he...

    1. We need to be like this if we want to improve as a society !

      Thanks for visiting :)

  5. How our society moulds us...Sometimes in ways we shouldn't be.And only some men stand up and walk the right path. This was brilliant.

    1. We have to acknowledge all the facets of the society to even hope for any improvement. We have created generations of monsters; It's time to clean up.

      Thanks for visiting :)


Now, it is time to be honest !